Looking to make an impact? Please see available investing options below:
Currently, it is only possible to invest in Magallanes Impacto FIL, the first open-ended impact investing fund in Spain. Magallanes Impacto FIL is managed by Magallanes Value Investors SGIIC, S.A., a leading fund management company in Spain. The Fund is supervised by the Spanish National Securities Market Commission (CNMV):
Investment Policy:
Category: Hedge Fund - EUR Mixed Fixed Income
Term: This fund may not be adequate for investors that intend to withdraw their funds within the period of 5 years.
Management objective: Social impact fund that invests fundamentally in unlisted debt of social microfinance institutions that grant microcredits to disadvantaged persons in developing countries.
Class A shares:
Target group of investors: Professional investors
Initial minimum investment: EUR 100,000
Risk profile: High​
​Class C shares:
Target group of investors: Professional investors
Initial minimum investment: EUR 2,000,000
Risk profile: High
For further information and investment options, please visit Magallanes Value Investors website.